Conveyor Curing

UV Curing Solutions


American Ultraviolet West Inc. (LESCO Division, Paramount, CA) is actively looking for new Representatives and Distributors throughout the country to sell our UV Spot Curing, Chambers and Conveyor lines. If interested, please complete and submit this INQUIRY FORM for consideration.
Conveyor Curing Solutions

Conveyor Curing

Conveyor Curing

Screen and digital printers know that ultraviolet curing saves money. And thousands of printers have discovered the benefits of American Ultraviolet UV conveyor systems, including space, energy and ink savings, quadrupled throughput, greatly reduced cleanup, a healthier environment and healthier employees. American Ultraviolet has been manufacturing state-of-the-art UV curing equipment since 1960. Popular systems include:

  • C Series
  • Mini
  • Mini LED
  • Standard
  • Super Cool
  • Multicure
  • 3SR
  • Spinster
  • Retrofit

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"You may recall sitting with me and coming up with not 1, nor 2, but 3 Super-Cool units with dual metal halide lamps we initially purchased from American Ultraviolet. Since then we've purchased 2 additional units and are just as happy with the way they are performing. An area we are particularly pleased with is the surface temperature of our substrates. We're amazed at how cool we can keep these surfaces while maintaining proper cure during high-speed production runs."
Regards, Blaine MacMillan, President Cowan Graphics, Inc.