Spot Curing

UV Curing Solutions


American Ultraviolet West Inc. (LESCO Division, Paramount, CA) is actively looking for new Representatives and Distributors throughout the country to sell our UV Spot Curing, Chambers and Conveyor lines. If interested, please complete and submit this INQUIRY FORM for consideration.
Conveyor Curing Solutions


Rocket Cure is a powerful new class of UV spot cure systems with a wealth of exclusive features. You get adjustable UV power from 6,000 to 20,000 mW/cm². Optional Opto Feedback guarantees you consistent UV output over the entire functional life of the lamp. Rocket Cure is the only spot cure system without a liquid light guide in the UV delivery system. This allows Rocket Cure to deliver spot radiation from 254nm to 450nm, assuring complete depth curing, surface to the substrate.

Clean room concerns? Rocket Cure uses sealed bearings and brushless DC cooling fan motors so there are no contamination worries. The unit is constructed from anodized aluminum and brushed stainless steel. Uncompromising quality. Light weight - just 20 ounces - makes Rocket 225 irradiator easy to handle. For repetitive spot curing, it can be placed on the optional mounting base. Maintenance is a breeze with simple plug-in lamp replacement. No focusing is required. Enjoy the highest level of performance in spot curing with LESCO's Rocket Cure. (Protected under U.S. patent number 5,426,697.)

To learn more about the Rocket, including technical specifications, please visit our technical library where you can download and print literature.


Technical Specifications:

  • Cure chamber: 8"W x 8"L
  • Part height: up to 6" standard
  • Lamp module: Removable, irradiator built-in
  • Lamp type: High intensity UV Arc
  • Lamp intensity: to 500W/inch
  • Intensity uniformity: +/- 10% (5% typ.) across entire part stage.
  • Safety interlocks: Chamber door interlocked to shutter
    Interface. SMEMA compatible
  • Controls/indicators: Auto timer control, hour meter, Timer/Manual selector, shutter actuating footswitch, PC I/O
  • Electrical: 110-240Vac, 50/60Hz selectable