Specialty Curing

UV Curing Solutions


American Ultraviolet West Inc. (LESCO Division, Paramount, CA) is actively looking for new Representatives and Distributors throughout the country to sell our UV Spot Curing, Chambers and Conveyor lines. If interested, please complete and submit this INQUIRY FORM for consideration.
Flood Curing Solutions

Specialty Curing 3SR-6

The Three Station Rotating (3SR) UV curing system was developed by LESCO as a solution to the challenge of curing irregular shaped targets that are 10 inches or less in height. The 3SR cures all sides of the target evenly and provides an automated sequence to load and unload parts while the UV curing process is in progress.

Constructed of brushed 18-gauge stainless steel, the 3SR is a professional grade production UV curing system ready for around the clock service in the most demanding high volume production environments.

At station number one, the operator places a part ready for the UV process into the developed tooling which holds the part. Automatically the part moves 120 mechanical degrees into the curing chamber, which is station number two.

At station number two, the part is rotated for an adjustable period while being exposed to UV radiation. The exposure time is defined by the user, from a minimum exposure of 1.0 seconds to a maximum of 60.0 seconds. Rotational speed can be defined from a minimum of 8 RPM to a maximum of 60 RPM. Upon completion of the time cycle at statoin number two, the part is moved 120 mechanical degrees to the unload station, which is station number three.

Standard Features

  • Controls: Power On/Off, E.P.O., Load Warning Light
  • Exhaust requirements: 600 cfm @ 1.00 inches H2O, blower built in
  • Voltage: 115 V, 1Ø , 50 or 60 Hz Light Source • Current: 12 A and 3 A
  • Physical Size of Cured Part Maximum: 5" diameter x 10" tall
  • Curing Time Interval: Adjustable, 1 to 60 seconds standard, custom programming available
  • Rotational Speed of Target: Selectable, 8 to 60 RPM
  • UV Light Sources: FUSION F300, FUSION F450, or 6" Mercury Arc Lamp

To learn more about the Specialty Curing 3SR-6, including technical specifications, please visit our technical library where you can download and print literature.

Specialty Curing 3sr-6

Specialty Curing 3sr-6 schematic